Urban Fantasy books
Rise of Dragons series It’s Bridget Jones meets Lord of the Rings and doesn’t take itself too seriously! The series follows Amethyst, a half-dwarf jeweller and weaponsmith, as she deals with kidnappings, crazy…
Author Interview – Andrew Claydon
This month, I caught up with fellow Brit fantasy author Andrew Claydon to chat about how he started writing and favourite authors. His latest book, Strange Companions, is out on 5 December and…
Author Interview – JR Handley
A while back, I was lucky enough to be interviewed by JR Handley, and now we’re in an anthology together (check out Slay Bells Ring now!), I thought I’d return the favour and…
Omensford Series
This is a cosy urban fantasy series with a dash of murder mystery – think Jessica Fletcher if she worked in IT, lived in an English village and had magic! Book 1: Bedsocks…
Author Interview – Heather G Harris
So, Heather, I know you from a UK writers group we’re part of, but for those who don’t know you, tell us about yourself. I am a thirty something mum getting a second…
Author Interview – KJ Baker
This month, I caught up with paranormal romance author KJ Baker about her books: So, KJ Baker, tell me about yourself Witty? Charming? Seriously? Okay, since I’m a writer I suppose I should…
Christmas Short Story
Spoiler alert – this short story is set after Equinox Betrayal, book 3 in the Rise of Dragons series so you might want to finish reading that first… Amethyst & Lorandir’s First Christmas…
Author Interview – Wayne Turmel
A couple of months ago, I was lucky enough to be part of a clubhouse group with Jamie Davis and he introduced me to Wayne Turmel. At the time Wayne was venturing into…
Author Interview – Katie Zaber
I caught up with author Katie Zaber, author of DNA Angels N Demons for a quick interview this month. Katie Zaber knows the best way to decide who is cooking dinner is with…