Honey Bee embroidery

Makebox – Bee Kind embroidery Review

I’ve been seeing Makebox advertised for a while and when I saw the Makebox Bee Kind embroidery kit, I knew I wanted it. I was super happy when I got it for a birthday present and could get started.

The kit contained everything needed to make 2 embroidery pictures, one of a large glittery bee (Honey Bee) and one of a posy of flowers (Rosey Posey), including felt backing and string so these can be hung on the wall in their hoops. There was also a sweet Bee Happy postcard to embroider.

The instructions were short and straightforward. The charcoal paper was easy to use to transfer the picture to the fabric. The use of lots of satin stitch (or filling stitch) made the pictures come to life quickly, always good when fitting crafting around a busy life.

My favourite to make was the Honey Bee as I loved the picture and this will definitely be hanging on my craft wall very soon.

The Rosey Posey included a fun catherine wheel stitch for the roses, which I hadn’t done before and was really effective. It also had lots of french knots as well, which I love to do. I don’t know why, I just find them extremely fulfilling.

A star has been deducted because, as my daughter pointed out, bees have six legs and the embroidery picture only has 4! Bees legs are also black, not the silver in the Honey Bee embroidery! She’s picky!

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curious crafter, aspiring author, board game enthusiast